Monday, August 13, 2007
I'm Home!
Thank you so much to everyone who read my blog. I really appreciate it and all of the comments, especially Uncle Chris! Hope ya'll enjoyed it!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Week 6
On Monday, I finished my project for English. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent studying for my finals. Luckily, I had both of my finals on Thursday, so I got them over with and could relax on Thursday when everyone else was still studying!

Tonight we have our closing ceremonies and then tomorrow the buses leave at 4:30am for the Munich airport. Everyone plans on staying out all night, so that will make for a fun bus ride! I will get into Atlanta at 2:30pm or so, but then I have to be in Athens at 7am on Sunday for rush. Yikes! I am actually looking forward to it because I can go home, see my family, get a good meal and some sleep, and then I will see my friends the next day, and then come back home to get ready for school.
This trip has been wonderful and an incredible experience, but I can't wait to see everyone back home!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Füssen and Zürich

From Fussen, we switched trains in a small town in Germany and then headed to Zurich. It was really neat to be in three different countries in one day- Austria, Germany, and Switzerland! We checked ourselves into the hotel and then went straight to bed! The hotel was not very nice- right above a bar and shared bathrooms, but it was right in the center of town and being students, we can sleep through anything!
Saturday, I used our family friend, Christy McConnell's recommendations! We strolled down the Banhofstrasse, which is like Paris' Champs-Elysees or Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive, filled with tons of shopping. There were even seven H&Ms!

After strolling around the city all day, we saved the best for last- the chocolate shop! I tasted chocolate from the two main chocolate shops in town and agree with Christy's choice, Teuscher Chocolate!

As my guide book says- the Swiss don't stand for anything other than themselves. They have Swiss flags everywhere!

The largest clock face in Europe

Sunset on Lake Zurich
On Sunday, we went to mass at a Catholic Church. Turns out, those are hard to find because Zurich was really big into the Protestant Reformation- very different from Austria and Italy! The mass was in German of course, so we were pretty confused. Some things were different, but I thought well maybe it's just a Swiss thing. After the mass, we were invited to join them for coffee and biscuits. After talking with some people, we were then informed that it was a Catholic, not Roman Catholic Church. Whoops! This is where knowing German would come in handy! This church broke off after the first Vatican Council. They were really nice and wouldn't let us pay for our food!
Then, we did what every Zurichan does on Sunday- the lake! A river flows right throught the middle of Zurich and then meets with Lake Zurich. The water was really cold since it is glacier water, but the scenery was great! It was nice to just lay out and look at the mountains! I took my last train back last night- thank goodness because it was really hot and crowded!
The water was so clear and there were swans swimming all along the river!
Our great view on the lake!
The weekend was great! Everyone is Zurich was incredibly nice and the weather was perfect! Not too hot, not too cold- all we needed was a light jacket!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Week 5
On Monday, the Austria TA was giving a city tour, but no one else signed up to go, so Jackie and I got our own private tour! We went into a small churches that were out of the main town and thnen, we climbed the strairs in the City Tower to look out. We went to the Red Beans and Rice night with the program, and then I took her to the 360 Bar, where we got a great view of Innsbruck!

Jackie and I at the top of 360 Bar
Tuesday, I had an amazing time! Jackie toured the city during the day, and then when I got out of class, we went up to the cable car. This took us to the top of the mountiain, and then we hiked up even farther to the tip top ridge of the mountain! It was INCREDIBLE with amazing views looking out towards Innsbruck and then behind the mountains! It's why I love Innsbruck! I could really tell how Innsbruck would not exist without the flatness due to the river. It was windy and cold but so worth it! We even saw sheep and cattle up at the top!

That night, we went on a lantern hike. The city of Innsbruck gives free hikes multiple times a day! We hiked up to a mountain house and saw the main ski slope for the Olympics along the way! Then, we were in for a treat! One man played the guitar while the other played the accordion and everyone yodeled and sang! There were people there from Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, England, Scotland, Australia, and of couse America! The main man took a liking to Jackie and me, so we were asked to be the main yodelers! He took us downstairs and asked us to play along with him- we had to act like we knew the main song from Innsbruck and mouth the words and then when the time came for yodeling, we had to yodel at the top of our lungs! It was hilarious! But first, he insisted that we drink some "yodeling water" aka schnapps. Later, we danced the Austrian wedding dance and sang even more. Afterwards, we walked with our lanterns down the mountain! It was probably my favorite day in Innsbruck!

Yesterday and today have entailed schoolwork, so I've been trying to find school supplies around Innsbruck, but it's tough when everything closes by 6!
Friday, I am going to the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is in Füssen, Germany. It is where Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was filmed and was also Walt Disney's inspiration for the Cinderella castle! Then, that night we are going to Zurich for the rest of the weekend! I plan on doing nothing but shopping, eating chocolate, and going to the lake for my last weekend! It will hopefully be relaxing because I am tired of traveling and planning hotels and making train reservations! I will be home in only 9 days!