On Monday, I finished my project for English. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent studying for my finals. Luckily, I had both of my finals on Thursday, so I got them over with and could relax on Thursday when everyone else was still studying!

Tonight we have our closing ceremonies and then tomorrow the buses leave at 4:30am for the Munich airport. Everyone plans on staying out all night, so that will make for a fun bus ride! I will get into Atlanta at 2:30pm or so, but then I have to be in Athens at 7am on Sunday for rush. Yikes! I am actually looking forward to it because I can go home, see my family, get a good meal and some sleep, and then I will see my friends the next day, and then come back home to get ready for school.
This trip has been wonderful and an incredible experience, but I can't wait to see everyone back home!
miss you doodlebug. have fun with the fam and with rush. the big big sis.
same thing laura said...but from the other big sis.
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